our Story

One fine summer morning Peach was sitting under an orange tree, lively and happy reading his book. Surrounding him was a beautiful fruit garden as well as rabbits hopping around. There was a slight summer breeze when suddenly, an orange fell on his head. Mike picked the little fruit up and immediately got an idea that will change the lives of many people. And so, this collection of art was born that enables us a community full of creativity

Our Goal

Our main goal is to support our holders publishing their projects if they have innovative ideas with great utility for their communities that change the lives of many people. Therefore, we will fund them with 25.000 USD each and offer them experts in different specialties.

We want to make the grinding for WL spots easier, so we invented the token $juice. You can stake your NFT to generate $juice every day. With that, you can buy WL spots and big-name NFTs from our shop on the website.

20% of Whitelist spots from funded projects will be distributed to Juicy Fruits holders.

To finance all of that we will reinvest 20% of the initial sales plus 20% of royalties back into the community. Other than we will take also a percentage from funded projects to finance this system.

This way we make sure that we create value for every holder long-term.


our long term vision

Our long-term vision is to grow a community and platform where we help those who want to create a better future. There are a lot of talented and great individuals out there. They just need this little boost to create opportunities for many people in the NFT space.

Our Team

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The German founder studied international Business and created this team that wants to change people’s lives in the NFT space. He’s been working for months now to bring this value to this community.

Favorite Fruit: Peach

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The talented Dutch artist of this beautiful collection wanted to use her experience of the last 8 years to create a fun and sophisticated collection that the NFT community can relate to and enjoy.

Favorite city: Cape Town

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Operations Director

As a sales manager, he brings a lot of experience with him on financial coordination and funding structure for start-up projects. Advising future plans and collaborations with your projects he will make sure this project will be successful long-term.

Favorite series: Walking Dead

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Backend Developer

Programming for 14 years and have been working since 2020 on blockchain development. With his extensive understanding of this technology, he guarantees flawless Blockchain movements.

Favorite Drink: 100% Orange Juice

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Backend Developer

Fazz is one of our professional backend developers. Programming since 2012 Fazz is now the CEO of a tech company specialized in smart contracts on the Blockchain.

Favorite Food: Pizza

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Web and Graphic Designer

Vishvesh designed lots of creative and clean websites for the last three years. He is very talented and passionate about what he does and gifted this community with lots of praiseworthy graphics.

Favorite Sport: Cricket

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an NFT?

An NFT (non-fungible token) is a piece of art that lives on the blockchain. Owning an NFT is just like owning a painting, but instead of owning it physically, you own it virtually, on the blockchain.

What means minting?

Minting an NFT means that you are buying a Juicy Fruit right after the launch on our website which becomes a part of the Ethereum blockchain. When our collection of 8888 Juicy Fruits is sold out you can go to OpenSea and buy and trade there.

How can I get on the Whitelist?

The requirements therefore can be found in our Discord server in the channel: whitelist requirements.

When will the mint take place?

This will be announced in our Discord server when the Whitelist is full, and we feel ready to launch.

How can I mint?

You must create a MetaMask wallet and fill it with some Eth. On Mint Day you can connect your wallet on our website (see the ‘’connect wallet’’ button). After the mint starts you can click on the mint button and get your Juicy Fruit.

What is Opensea?

You can see your collected NFT on OpenSea. There, you can buy and sell Juicy Fruits. Remember: Only use the link on our Discord server! There are a lot of scammers out there who are trying to steal your money. The official link can be found in the channel: ‘’official links’’